Sunday, 27 April 2014

Opinion on Ribcage's Recent Feedbacks

I really don't know how to say this, in all honesty. But I just want to talk about it. Like a normal personal blogger would. Silly.

I suck at introductions. You can kick my bum now.

So... how have I been? Well, lately my days have been full and preoccupied. Many new experiences have been simultaneously rushing over my face that I don't even have the time to realise that it's suffocating me. Nevertheless, I have to get used to it. That's what I tell myself, anyway. I recently realised to value every experience and every person I come across to, to pick up pieces of their lives and try to attach them to ones of my own. It's just because it feels like time has gone a tad bit more rapid than before.

I don't even know if I'm making sense here. (But try to understand at least? Thanks.)

In another note, one thing that I really look forward for in my bleak days is writing Ribcage. Let me first start to say that I know it's probably of the most unconventional pieces that you can come across to for many kinds of reasons. It may be for the story does not require a spoon-feed kind of narration, or that the diction is quite complex and might sometimes require the aid of a dictionary.  It can also be a pain in the arse for Lindie and Cade's unpredictable personalities.

A few days back, somebody straightforwardly asked me to explain Ribcage for them, for they couldn't understand the story flow and some of its words. I am very much disappointed (and embarrassed for myself, if I may add), to be quite honest. I felt distraught that maybe it's because my style of writing isn't enough to be comprehended after all. Maybe I shouldn't challenge myself out of my comfort zone, after all.

For some reason though, Ribcage is the most fulfilling piece of work that I have been crafting. Each and every chapter is well thought of (even if it might not be obvious for your part), from its differing lengths per chapter, its word usage and even the structure. Let's say for example, Chapter 24, the latest update (when I was writing this, of course).

In Chapter 24, Lindie is speaking her thoughts out, per usual. But as she starts out with a somewhat-composed way of speaking (the sentences that are perfectly-constructed), she ends up with a cluttered subconscious (the detached words from one another), done by Cade's prescence. This goes to show that she does like him subconsciously, but doesn not know how to act upon this, therefore losing her mind.

Let me just clear things up (if you still haven't noticed hahaha): I usually write a a piece that requires a reader to read between the lines. I find no thrill in writing if there isn't anything that is concealed, not just inside the storyline but the dialogues and emotions as well. My works are often too metaphorical, but not necessarily all the time. It's just that maybe I suck at storytelling. I don't know. *shrugs*

Moving on, I can say admittedly that I plan to write 75-100 chapters of Ribcage, that the story will start to progress into development sometime soon. I'm not rushing this one, which is what makes it interesting I think. If you haven't noticed, Cade and Lindie are the first people that I constructed (besides Luke, Jake and Dree) with clear intentions, personalities and plots. My poems' characters are always unnamed, so there isn't an attachment to it. With Cade and Lindie (from their different backgrounds, interests and families BUT quite similar troubles and hesitations), I feel an inch deeper close to them.

I hate telling you all what's occuring in my works. I find great fulfillment to hear your own versions of understanding. It's what makes writing worthwhile, hearing your feedback: of why you felt that way, why is it beautiful, or why is it not. I really really enjoy hearing all your feedbacks, I really do, and I am thankful for each and every one of you. Even if I am not close to a thousand fans and all, you all are enough. I never even thought of people reading my shites in writing. So thank you.

But I just think that a redundant "Your writings are so beautiful" and "Your writings are so perfect" kind of comments are not going to get me anywhere in improving my writing. This may come off as me being so full of myself, but let me just say that I honestly do not think that. I never did. I am just saying that I wished you guys gave me feedback that would be helpful, let's say constructive criticisms. I haven't received comments like that for a long time, and I quite want a change from all the appreciation comments. Because I honestly think that my writings are missing out something very important, and I would really be grateful if you point that out for me.

So yeah, that's all that I wanted to say, at least. I hope no one got offended, it was not my intention. I really appreciate hearing adoring comments, but I would love to hear more than just that.

So I hope you have a great day. Continue to support Ribcage! It means the world to me.

- Nate

PS: Comments about this blog post? Violent reactions? Suggestions? Message me via my Wattpad Message Board or via Kik or Wattpad chat, whatever tickles your fancy. I'd like to hear your thoughts!

Saturday, 26 April 2014


the sky offers a
peculiar comrade,
with differing
evanescence and
offering such
steadfast dependence
and fervour


just like any of us,
don't you think?

Friday, 25 April 2014



in these four fucking
w a l l s
that i call

s e l f

Lost and Found

  we live in
 a world of
        d e s o l a t i o n,
 yet we still find
  ourselves falling
       down to the
crests and
        of the
             o c e a n
to swim for
   the bliss
            l i f e
   makes us
          it has
                o f f e r